Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology

Posted On 2024-10-25 10:12:48

This series on “Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology” was edited by Drs. Karl Golnik, Yip Chee Chew, Ana Gabriela Palis and Meena Swaminathan.

In this special series on improving teaching skills, a wide variety of topics are discussed. These include teaching in the clinic and operating room with techniques for giving effective feedback, ethics curriculum and how to teach professionalism, and how to appropriately assess competence.

Editorial on Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology
Improving the training abilities of ophthalmic educators: the Ophthalmology Foundation’s initiatives
Karl Golnik, Yip Chee Chew, Gabriela Palis, Meena Swaminathan

Brief Report on Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology
Designing a medical ethics curriculum in ophthalmology
Matthew D. Gearinger

Review Article on Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology
Features of effective feedback
Ilhem Mili, Sonia Trabelsi, Sonia Mezigh, Manel Mokrani, Karl Golnik, Mejdi Boukari

Interactivity software tools for teaching in ophthalmology
Jesús Barrio-Barrio

Making the case for the evolving role of social media in health professions education and a literature review on the application of some in ophthalmology
Helena Prior Filipe, Mila Kostic, Mildred Lopez, Karl Golnik

Review: update on performance assessment and monitoring systems for ophthalmologists
Heather G. Mack

The series “Improving Teaching Skills in Ophthalmology” was commissioned by the Editorial office, Annals of Eye Science without any sponsorship or funding. Karl Golnik, Yip Chee Chew, Ana Gabriela Palis and Meena Swaminathan served as the unpaid Guest Editors for the series.